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Overcome Obstacles: 6 Strategic Ways Executive Coaches Help Their Clients


Updated: Jun 23, 2023

Is there an obstacle frustrating you? Feeling overwhelmed at work? Has workplace stress taken over your personal life? “Succeeding through obstacles needs both a fresh perspective and new thinking. Executive Coaches can help guide clients to gain the fresh perspective which leads to the new thinking needed to overcome what is standing in the way of success,” states Executive Coach Beth Siegert, CPC, CPRC, ACC, CFAA. Here are 6 strategic ways Executive Coaches help their clients overcome obstacles:

Refine the Obstacles

When overwhelm takes over, the first step to resolving issues is refining your understanding of what obstacles are in your way. An Executive Coach can help a client gain a greater perspective from which to view obstacles. Objectivity, decades of experience, and training are the components to this coaching skill.

Identify Resources

Executive Coaches help clients identify essential resources for a particular situation. Essential resources may include logistical support and in rare cases, a licensed clinical practitioner would be helpful.

Gain Perspective

Crisis attention elsewhere in life tends to redirect attention away from obstacles that are in the way of success. Executive Coaching can help influence the right mindset to view the situation with the perspective needed to move forward. “Executive Coaches help clients step back from the noise and clear the fog in order to see clearly,” states Siegert.

Keep an Eye on the Prize

Demanding careers require enormous dedication. Unfortunately, working 7 days a week is rather common in the US. This lack of work-life balance impacts clients and their families. An Executive Coach works with clients to help them keep the rest of their lives in balance.

Evaluate the Obstacle(s)

Clients benefit from having the ear of their Executive Coach. Often, the emotional aspects of situations take over. An Executive Coach serves as a safe place to verbally “empty out” pent-up frustrations so a client can see the obstacles clearly. It is important to have a clear head to see that the obstacles in question are not necessarily disasters or failures.

Build Resilience

Setbacks happen. Sometimes they are not in our control. Sometimes they are. “Coaching clients through a setback is pivotal,” says Siegert. “It’s important to understand that a setback helps to build the mental strength and resilience that gets you into a continuous improvement mindset. We acknowledge the setback occurred, reset, and then keep going,” states Siegert.

“When faced with an obstacle, a client and I will break it down and work together to see what we can do about it. When a person walks through an obstacle, they become empowered,” she stated. “Empowering clients is the main function of my executive coaching career— it’s what I find the most rewarding. An empowered person can construct the life they want to live.”

For more information about working with Beth Siegert, CPC, CPRC, ACC, CFAA in an Executive Coaching capacity, send an email to

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