Feeling like the success you want is out of reach can be incredibly frustrating. This is one of the top reasons most people work with an Executive Coach. Valued for their keen insight, honest feedback, and empowering accountability, Executive Coaches are sought out by some of the top leadership in American business and culture. President Bill Clinton, tech savant Bill Gates, journalist and businesswoman Oprah Winfrey, are three formidable examples of highly successful people who all greatly prize having a Coach in their corner. If success is eluding you right now, it is highly possible that one (or more) of these 8 things are holding you back from success. Read on to explore these topics and how having an Executive Coach can help illuminate the path ahead.
Are you angry all the time? This is a more common situation than one would think. Looking at your anger, here are some questions to ponder:
Do you have difficulty recovering after feeling angry?
Are you surprised when you feel angry?
When you are angry, is it due to a situation that has been bubbling, churning, or boiling for a while?
Are you unsure of why you are angry?
Is the source from your personal or work life?
Are you able to talk to the right people to help you?
If it is a work situation, does it mimic an uncomfortable situation from either your childhood or current home life?
Is your anger really anxiety or fear?
Admittedly, these are rather significant questions. The beauty of having a coach is that your particular situation can be explored with a non-judgmental professional.
Feeling stuck
As time moves on, what was once fulfilling can leave you feeling quite the opposite. Feeling stuck is rooted in feeling powerless. Once you realize that you are feeling powerless, recognize that this feeling is just for the present. In order to change the situation, you need to be open to changing how you look at things, have the willingness to change, and grant yourself permission to change. Do those last three items sound difficult? A coach helps you through preparation for shifting out of feeling stuck and serves as both a supporter and a guide as you actively enact change.
Is there an obstacle frustrating you? Feeling overwhelmed? Has workplace stress taken over your personal life? “Moving through obstacles requires both a fresh perspective and a new way of thinking. Executive Coaches can help guide clients to gain the fresh perspective which leads to the new way of thinking that is required to truly overcome obstacles,” says Executive Coach Beth Siegert, CPC, CPRC, ACC, CFAA.
No Motivation
Where has the love gone? What happened? Have you grown? What were your motivators in the past and how have those changed? Does your personal life affect your motivation in a negative way (or vice versa)? “Executive Coaches help guide clients through the fog coming off the sea of little or no motivation. We support our clients as they choose their path,” says Siegert.
Low Productivity
First and foremost, it is important to understand where this description of a low productivity issue comes from. Did someone tell you this? Or do you feel this way? What forms of productivity are you referring to? Do you have everything you need in order to be productive? Honestly think about any tendencies for completing tasks perfectly–sometimes it is perfectionism that is getting in the way. Coaches can really help clients with an honest assessment in this area.
Changes in Behavior
Stress can cause negative behaviors. Noticeable changes in behavior can include:
Heavier reliance on coping mechanisms (alcohol, drugs, food,
relationships, etc.)
Lack of communication
Gaining or losing weight
Rumination (what is causing all these anxious thoughts?)
Sometimes others may mention your changes in behavior. Typically, they might notice changes in:
Low productivity
Lack of collaboration
Trying to gain control inappropriately
While a coach can discuss such behaviors, remember the coach is not a therapist. Finding a coach who recognizes symptoms that may require clinical assistance is very important. There are reasons also to suggest a therapist to help work out issues from one’s past that are affecting the present. A coach will take the person from the current place in their life and help them move forward.
PIP (Performance Improvement Plan)
A PIP does not have to be a negative situation. If you wish to continue your position, look at the PIP as a tool for your company is spell out what they need from you. Focus on the communication aspect and be proactive.
Be sure to clearly understand the PIP in all its parts and how it relates to your job. Make no assumptions or inferences. Exactly what are the company’s expectations? What is the timeline for the PIP and how are the expectations supposed to be demonstrated? If development is an issue, what is the company willing to provide—a class online, a mentor, a coach?
Also, note that a PIP can be verbal or written. And sometimes it can be in an email or a strongly worded suggestion. Formal or informal, recognize it and above all else, do something about it.
It is common to feel a bit rattled when a career is at stake, a coach can help a person honestly assess how to address the situation and take action.
Executive Coaching is for any executive—or someone who wants to excel in their career—to help cultivate the life they want to live. Rather common, individuals seek out a Coach for impartiality, guidance, empowerment, and as a trusted advisor.
For more information about working with Beth Siegert, CPC, CPRC, ACC, CFAA in an Executive Coaching capacity and a 30-minute discovery call to talk with Beth about your challenges, understand her approach to coaching, and decide if you are a good fit for moving forward, contact her at info@siegertandassociates.com or call 877.449.6393.
This article was originally published on LinkedIn. You can find it here.